Run YOUR Race
It’s a rat race out there. And while many people are running the race of society, allowing what others think and say to determine how they act, what they wear, what they weigh, it is not about what society thinks at all! Oh I’m sure that there will be those who have to put in their two-cents and tell you “how it really is,” but they don’t know any more than the next person does. Because when it comes right down to it, the ones who are trying to control you are being controlled themselves.Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! ~1 Corinthians 9:24, NLT
For years I listened to every person who had an opinion about what they thought I should be doing. I backed down from every task I knew that God was leading me into because someone else said that I shouldn’t, or couldn’t do it. And then a very miraculous thing happened. God plucked me out of the laundry basket of life and said, “I can use you.” Then He redirected my path, my thoughts, and my desire. Of course, I still had the desire to write, but it became much stronger than in past years, and with that came a voice to speak out what the Lord gave me to write. Not only that, but in addition to it, He also gave me the confidence to speak out. I became an encourager. No longer was I intimidated by the people who wanted to question my motives or my ministry.
It might seem a little “out there” to speak about what the Lord has done for me. But this is exactly what we are all called to do! Don’t misunderstand me though, this is not about women’s rights, it’s not about “sticking in to the man,” it’s not about bashing others to get ahead in life. This is all about the healing grace of God! This is about what He has done for me. And you have this, too. God has instilled into each one of us a measure of gifts, to be used for His glory.
In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. ~Romans 12:6a, NLT
You may not be a writer. You may not be a preacher. Your gifts may be music, art, cooking, sewing. You may be a great listener. Maybe you like to post cute pictures on Facebook to brighten everyone’s day. Or maybe you like to post recipes to give ideas on some yummy dishes. You may have an abundance of compassion. You may be a healer. Whatever your gift is, you are useful to God and He loves you so very much that He wants you to use your gifts.
Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning. ~James 1:17, HCSB
Don’t buy into the statement, “Use it or lose it.” That if you don’t use your gift, then God will remove it. Don’t even let the enemy convince you that you have been forgotten or left out. For years I didn’t write, but I wanted to. I knew that was my gift. Yet I was so intimidated by others that I was afraid to write for fear of “getting into trouble.” My gift lay dormant until May 30, 2012 at which time God put so many words into my heart that my fingers couldn’t type fast enough to keep up!
The enemy, Satan, will try everything he can think of to keep you down, including other people. Don’t listen to him. Because even though he prowls around looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8), he doesn’t have any power unless you give it to him. So don’t give it to him!
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. ~James 4:7
Just because the devil is against you doesn’t mean that success is out of your reach. Many people may tell you that you can’t do something. I’ve been told the same thing. But I know what God has called me to do, and He is the One in charge, not anyone else. God will do it in spite of what everyone else thinks. And no one can stop God; not people, not the devil!