Fluff Your Tutu

We all have those days.  You know the ones.  The alarm doesn’t go off.  You’re running late.  Flat tire.  Car is out of gas.  You hit every red light.  Oh, there’s a train.  And when you get through with all that someone bombards you with negative words, accusations, and a whole lot of junk.

That can knock your tiara sideways and wrinkle your tutu.

No worries.  Every day has issues of its own.  Regardless of your position, stay calm, adjust your tiara, fluff your tutu and keep going.  This is life.  And life can be pretty rough sometimes.  But we don’t have to let the negative things and people pull us down.  We were created for more than that.
Yes, we have an enemy who would like nothing more than to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10a) and everything associated with us.  Ah, but dear ones we also have a God who is crazy in love with us who wants to elevate us to bigger and better things.

The Lord will work out his plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me. ~Psalms 138:8 (NLT)

You may wonder; if God loves me then why is all this happening?  Well lovelies, it’s because we live in a fallen world.  We live in a sinful world.  This world is not our home.  We’re just in it.  But we don’t have to be of it.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. ~Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Every day we have a choice.  We can choose to let our tutu wrinkle and be like the world around us.  Or we can fluff that tutu, adjust the tiara, square our shoulders, hold our head high, and march right through the mud and the muck with our eyes focused on Jesus.  Because let me tell you, when you adjust your tiara and move forward, you are letting the devil know that he can’t touch you.  By keeping your eyes on Jesus, He will guide you right through all the garbage of the world and lead you to the big plans He has for you.
Oh yes, He does have great big plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11) and they’re awesome.  Even though sometimes we lose sight of that, His plans never change.  His promises never change, either.  They are always “Yes!” and “Amen!” 

For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory. ~2 Corinthians 1:20 (NLT)(emphasis is mine)

Let me explain that just a bit; Yes is affirmative. It’s affirmation. It is permission to move forward. It is positive, never negative. Amen means yes, so be it, let it be so. It is the period after a resounding yes, putting the icing on the cake. It’s another affirmation and permission to let the yes go ahead and do it.

 Therefore, if God has given you a vision, a mission, a word to get up and go, then never let anyone tell you any different.
Keep calm. You belong to the Most High God.  Fluff your tutu dear lovely and go dance!


** You can find more encouragement and inspiration in the books, Walking Healed and the Walking Healed Companion Bible study. You can find these books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. For more information on upcoming books, new projects, free downloads and upcoming events, subscribe to my newsletter in the upper right hand column.

Shelley Wilburn

Shelley Wilburn has been writing since the age of twelve. She loves stories and adventures, and often finds herself getting into mischief with any one of her six grandchildren. She has written several articles and devotionals over the years for various newspapers, women's magazines, and newsletters. She has also co-authored devotionals. Shelley began writing full-time in 2012 after being healed of over 40 years of depression and anxiety. Using her love of writing, and wearing mismatched socks, Shelley has developed a unique ministry of encouraging others using biblical truths and stories from her own personal life. When not writing, you can find Shelley and her husband of over 30 years, D.A. zipping down the road in their newest adventure-maker, a bright orange, Mustang convertible Shelley has laughingly dubbed The Pony.
