
Sometimes I have to shake my head – for no other reason than at my own ridiculous misadventures and lack of paying attention. Let me explain…

In the past couple of months I have had an undue amount of stress due to the fact that I tried – on my own, all by myself – to change my website around. This includes securing a new domain host and server; not to mention, trying to make my website look more professional. In the process, I nearly lost it all.

Now, add to all of that the fact that I’m trying to finish, publish, promote, and plan a book launch for my newest book, Warrior Princess, then discovering that my website just disappeared, would cause a person to have a freak-out. Yep. That was me.

So, off to try to find a techy-awesome person who can help me fix this mess. No one answered me. At least, not at first. I was beginning to think six years of writing had disappeared forever (not really, but in my over-stressed mind this is what was swirling). Plus, my personal email which has my website address, disappeared, too.

But then God stepped in…

Yes! He did! He came through with not only flying colors, but a techy-awesome person who seemed (to me) to go click-click-click and “there’s your website and your email!” Say what?!

Here’s my point: Don’t let the enemy blindside you. Don’t do it! Because he will if he can get you distracted enough with menial tasks and little tasks that can be taken care of with the right people. If he can cause you to think you’re losing, running out of time, money, resources, etc. he will do it. And you’ll let him because you’ll be so distracted trying to get things done the way you want it done that you won’t see him over in the corner, sniggering at you for falling for his cheap tricks.

I did that.

But let me reiterate: Don’t let the enemy blindside you!

God has such great big plans for all of us – and they’re amazingly wonderful!! You see, long before any of us were a twinkle in our parents’ eyes, God already had plans laid for each one of us. For me, it was writing encouraging books, and most recently (big, awesome surprise plan here) preaching with my awesome husband! Oh yeah! Me! Preaching! With the one guy I not only look up to, but adore, crush on, love to listen to his preaching, and well, ya know… LOVE! God has led us into a ministry TOGETHER and don’t you know, the devil doesn’t like that… One. Little. Bit.

So the first thing he wants to do is “steal, kill, and destroy” all of it before it gets off the ground. He took a good shot. Blindsided me for a bit. But here’s where it gets good again… the devil can’t stop God’s plans! He can’t have my gifts, nor can he have my calling, because God’s gifts and calling cannot be revoked!


Chalk up another victory for the LORD! And for me! And for my husband! Woot-Woot!

Hey, let me just say here – God wants you to know that He is crazy in love with you. He has great big plans for you and not even the powers of hell can prevent them… unless you give up. So please, whatever you do, DON’T GIVE UP!!

Get up, dear lovely ones! Get up! Stand your ground and tell the devil to take a hike! Reach out to God. He’s waiting for you, ever so patiently and lovingly. He sees you right where you are and He still loves you. He’s reaching out a hand to you. Grab on and let Him pull you up and out and let Him launch you forward into the glorious plan He has.

What an exciting time! What an exciting plan! Yes, I was blindsided for a bit – but no longer! Here’s my new website. And the book is coming out July 14. So if you’re in town, come out to the book launch. Details are below. And if you want more info, or to RSVP, email and we’ll tell you all about it!

Hope to see you soon!


Warrior Princess Book Launch

Saturday, July 14 – 10am to 2pm


1000 Factory Outlet Blvd., Unit 102A

West Frankfort, IL 62896

Shelley Wilburn

Shelley Wilburn has been writing since the age of twelve. She loves stories and adventures, and often finds herself getting into mischief with any one of her six grandchildren. She has written several articles and devotionals over the years for various newspapers, women's magazines, and newsletters. She has also co-authored devotionals. Shelley began writing full-time in 2012 after being healed of over 40 years of depression and anxiety. Using her love of writing, and wearing mismatched socks, Shelley has developed a unique ministry of encouraging others using biblical truths and stories from her own personal life. When not writing, you can find Shelley and her husband of over 30 years, D.A. zipping down the road in their newest adventure-maker, a bright orange, Mustang convertible Shelley has laughingly dubbed The Pony.
