I got a new phone. Don’t cheer. The transition has not been pleasant, and don’t tell my husband. He hates transitioning phones.Without going into great detail, my contacts did not transfer, the two phones would not talk to each other or something like that. Therefore, I ended up having to leave my BRAND. NEW. PHONE. in the store, with my old phone, while they tried to update and transfer my stuff from one to the other.
I was unplugged.
Question: Have we become so attached to our phones, social media, pictures, videos, etc. that we can’t function without that tiny, hand-held device? That’s a little scary if you ask me.
What did we do before the age of technology? We played outside, read books; REAL BOOKS – paper pages you could touch, turn and smell (yes, I love the smell of books). We wrapped ourselves up in the curly, extra-long phone cord or stretched it so taut around the corner of the room just to get a smidgen of privacy. But, when we went out, we were literally unplugged from everything and everyone. What did that get us?
Maybe a little PEACE.
Maybe a small respite.
And maybe, just maybe we were able to actually hear from the LORD.
I’m not saying cell phones are bad. I’m also not saying you are bad if you use one. I use mine for nearly everything and let me tell you, I’m totally disconnected without it. But – being unavailable for a bit was quite nice.
Maybe unplugging once in a while would be a good thing. The world won’t come to a screeching halt if you don’t answer your calls, texts, emails, Facebook comments, etc. for a little bit.
Maybe by unplugging, God could get a Word in to tell you He loves you.
He’s not mad at you.
He wants you back.
Or, maybe He’s trying to tell you, you’re going to be okay.
You’re going to make it.
You’ll get through this.
Maybe He wants you to unplug so He can come close to you; renew your relationship, or to tell you to just be still and listen for a change.
Just unplug.
Try it. For the next five minutes, turn your phone, iPad, computer, radio, TV, or any other electronic device OFF. Then, just sit in the quiet and LISTEN.
Enjoy it.
See how long you can go.
You might surprise yourself.
Better yet… God might surprise you.
Be blessed, my friends.