From Haunted to Holy
Do you ever feel as if the things in your past take turns coming back to haunt you? You’re not alone. If everyone was truthful, we all have felt that way at various times. There were many people in the Bible who were haunted by their circumstances, their past, and even just life in general. But after an encounter with Jesus, their lives were forever changed. They went from haunted to holy. The beauty of this knowledge is, you can too.Maybe you think there’s no way out of your situation. You’ve been depressed for most of your life. Everyone else in your family had it. It’s just one of those things. It runs in the family. Maybe it’s not depression but you got a bad report from the doctor. You don’t know how you’re going to get through this. Maybe you feel helpless and hopeless.
You don’t have to feel that way anymore.
If I had known, forty years ago, all the promises God wrote to me in His Word were for right now, I may not have suffered in depression and anxiety for so long. Maybe I knew they were there, but I didn’t know how to access them. I didn’t know exactly how to get the healing that is promised in God’s Word. Thank God for people who were bold enough to tell me and to show me! Finally!
Now, I’m here to show and tell you!!
Please know this: God is not mad at you. He loves you dearly. He doesn’t want you to suffer. He never did. Your circumstances, though rough, have actually been training you for the healing God is about to do in you. I know, I know, how can something bad be turned into good? Ah, but it can! You are about to go from haunted to holy yourself, my lovely friend.
You may be wondering, how can that happen? It can. What most people believe is that it’s good for someone else, but not for them. Sometimes, I feel that way, too. It’s easier to believe it for someone else than to believe it or even accept it for yourself. But you know, Jesus died for all… not some. He came for everyone. Therefore, when the Bible says you are healed, that’s exactly who it means: YOU.
So let me ask you, what’s haunting you today? Is it depression, anxiety, intimidation, illness, divorce, addiction, abuse, neglect, loneliness, financial issues, or what? Whatever it is, I want you to know, the name of Jesus is above every single thing you are battling. Even more, this battle you are fighting alone, is not your battle – AND – it has already been won. Yes, I said WON!
You may be thinking right now that I’ve flipped my gourd. I haven’t. It took me a while as well, to realize that all those years of depression I suffered and battled were actually two things happening: 1) the devil was trying his best to keep me from the plan God had on my life, and 2) God meant every bit of it for good. How? Because in the Bible it says, God works everything together for good (Romans 8:28). But it also says we should be on guard at all times because the devil is always prowling around looking for someone he can devour (1 Peter 5:8).
It’s easy to say these things, I know. It may also seem harder to actually put them into play. But I’m here to tell you today that if you consistently seek out the Lord, read His Word, talk to Him, and make an effort to have a relationship with Him, everything you’re going through won’t seem as difficult or bad. In fact, as I said earlier, God’s Word says we are healed. Therefore, it’s our job to continually speak that over ourselves and walk as though we are. Before long you will begin to notice that what you’ve been proclaiming, is true. You. Are. Healed.
And that, dear lovely friend, is how you go from haunted to holy.
Be blessed today and… Walk Healed!
#depression #anxiety #healing #hauntedtoholy #walkhealed #pathwaytohealing #thehealingpath #whm