The Healing Path eBook


Join Shelley Wilburn on a thirty-day journey to explore The Healing Path. Read encouraging stories, dive into God’s Word and illuminate the path to find healing and freedom from the obstacles that keep you from living an abundant, and enjoyable life.



What would it be like to find a path that led you to a life of healing and freedom? Would you walk it? Would you invite your friends to join you?

Let’s face it, life is not always easy. Finding the right path can be even more difficult. Jesus even said, “small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life” (Matthew 7:14, AMP). It may be difficult, but we have the assurance of a Guide to help us along the way, making the path easier to tread.

Join Shelley Wilburn on a thirty-day journey to explore The Healing Path. Read encouraging stories, dive into God’s Word and illuminate the path to find healing and freedom from the obstacles that keep you from living an abundant, and enjoyable life.

Instead of living each day in depression, anxiety, intimidation, or even fear, why not take The Healing Path and find healing and freedom for your life?
