Release Your Faith
There are many people in the world today who have needs. Okay, let’s just say that we all do! Everyone has needs. But what do you do when your life seems to be spinning out of control and you feel that there is no hope left? Release your faith. It’s as simple as that. Just release your faith.In my daily readings I found it quite ironic, and prophetic to say the least, that opening my Bible took me straight to a statement from Jesus, to a woman who had touched Him and was healed: “…Your faith has made you well…” (Mark 5:34, NT). Immediately after that, I read where He speaks to a man who had just been told his daughter had died, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”
But not only that, after I read these passages, I opened up my Bible study book and the lesson was about Jesus healing the blind man. His question to the man was, “What do you want Me to do for you?” All the blind man said was that he wanted to see (Mark 10:46-52, NLT). Here’s what happened next:
And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed you.” ~Mark 10:52a, NLT (emphasis added)
It was after reading the Bible study lesson that it occurred to me, the Holy Spirit had just given me a very important message: Release Your Faith!
How do I do that? How do I possibly “release my faith?”
“Look at those who have gone before you.”
They just stepped out.
“No buts. Just step out.”
It’s not that I didn’t believe what was happening. Because when it occurred to me that this was a message just for me, I knew it in my heart. Yet, I still had some questions about exactly how I was supposed to “release my faith.” Because, I just didn’t know HOW.
According to, faith is defined as “confidence or trust in a person or thing, belief that is not based on proof, and belief in God or in the doctrines or teaching of religion.”
In my mind, here’s what I came up with… We can’t see the air, yet we know it’s there. We can’t see germs, yet we know they’re there. Especially when we get sick. And we can’t see Him, but Jesus IS there too! In essence, faith is believing!
Faith IS Believing
It goes a whole lot further than that for me, though. Because at church that night, I heard another word from the Lord. Several words in fact, starting with a couple words from the pastor in his sermon.
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. ~John 16:33, NKJV (emphasis added)
“Be of good cheer.” In other words, fear not, take heart, be courageous, because Jesus has “overcome the world!” Seriously, He HAS overcome. Not just one time, but continuously and forever! Because of that, I do not have to be afraid of what He has called me to do. All I have to do be be courageous and move forward.
The next word was, “Get your faith back!” I didn’t realize that I had let my faith slip, but after the messages I was receiving the entire day, I realized that something slipped somewhere. So I most definitely needed to get back in line. The only way to do that was to pray and let God fix me.
I had to get my faith back. I had to just step out. So as people were coming forward to pray, I noticed a woman over to the side who was praying for someone else, and that’s when it hit me. No, rather I was spiritually pushed in her direction, hearing that still small voice say, “Go to her. She has a message for you.” So I did. That’s where I got the final message.
Daughter, you have the anointing, you have the words! Step out in faith and just go! Go where I send you! And speak the words that I will give you!
Step out in faith. Go where I send you. Stepping out in faith, or releasing your faith, is to step out in the belief that Jesus will take care of your situation. He has promised to be there for you always, so you don’t have to be afraid.
Many people today feel that they have to do things on their own. They have to have control. But God has a Word for you today. Release Your Faith! When you let go of the control, faith takes over and God can do His wonderful work in and around you.
What are your needs today? Why not step out. Focus on Jesus and Release Your Faith!